The First Foto Studio '08

When I visited my friend home her name is Milah at Cengkareng, we walking on the Mall we look fhoto studio cheap price... it's happening (Aduhh.. narsiss abizz..)

Happy Birth Day to U '07

The first my some special to me celebration birth day on august 2nd 2007.. it's suprize..

New Best Friend on 10 Juli 07

In early July 2007 I met with Pure, when purely local SPMB follow UIN Jakarta, and I accompanied him when bimtest, try out, and an entrance examination.
At that time I was a lodging house together in the dormitory KMSGD Tikah Princess precisely rear Fathullah Mosque.

When to follow MAPABA PMII in Cisarua I know Bahtiar Rifai, this picture when I new dating with him until recently.